Integrating Sex Education in the school’s curriculum

Sex education is a process that begins at birth and continues until the day you die. It is a process of building a strong foundation for sexual health. There are many misunderstandings and non-factual opinions that go along with this topic even though it is constantly discussed.

It includes sexual development, reproduction, intimacy, gender roles and relationships. Sexual education should begin at home. Parents and guardians ought to be the primary instructors of sex education for their children. Daily, parents should take advantage of every opportunity to teach this subject to their children.

From the beginning of a child’s life, they learn how to respond to affection, show love, and how to react in different types of relationships. Children even learn about their sexuality when their parents speak to them, change their clothes, play with them or teach them their body parts. As they progress from children to teenagers or adolescents they continue to learn about their sexualities consistently.

However, some parents and guardians are very uncomfortable about talking about or providing information about sex or sexual education. The primary goal of sex education in the schools should be to help young people to build a foundation as they mature into sexually healthy adults.

These programs should assist young people in understanding a positive view of sexuality, provide them with information and skills about taking care of their sexual health and help them make decisions about solving problems now and in the future. Sex education should provide an opportunity for young people to develop and understand their values, attitudes, and beliefs about sexuality.

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