The Role of AI in Revolutionizing Agriculture: A Comprehensive Overview
AI-powered solutions not only help farmers be more productive, they also improve the quantity and quality of crops, and ensure that crops are replicated faster to market.
Farms are affected every day by temperature, soil, water use, weather, etc. generates thousands of data about With the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning models, this information is used in real time to get recommendations such as choosing the right time to plant, deciding on crop selection, hybridizing seed selection for greater yields.
AI systems help improve overall crop quality and accuracy, referred to as precision farming. AI technology helps detect plant diseases, pests and nutritional deficiencies in farms.
AI sensors can detect and target plants, then decide which pesticides to apply to the area. This helps reduce antibiotic use and save costs. Many tech companies have developed robots that use computer vision and artificial intelligence to monitor and spray plants. These robots can remove 80% of the chemicals that are frequently sprayed on crops and reduce the cost of pesticides by 90%. This smart AI medicine can reduce the amount of medicine used in the field, improve product quality and bring better results.
Have you ever wondered who will get the crops from the field? Overall, instead of traditional farm workers, robotic machines can harvest more crops with greater accuracy and deliver products to your dinner table faster. These machines help increase crop yields and reduce crop waste in the field.
Many companies are working to improve agriculture. There are products such as automatic strawberry pickers1 and vacuum equipment that can pick apples from trees.
The machines use sensor fusion, machine vision and artificial intelligence to determine where the crop can be harvested and to help select the right fruit.
Agriculture is the second largest industry after defense and service robots. The International Federation of Robotics estimates that as many as 25,000 agricultural robots have been sold—the same number used in the military.
Predictive Analytics Using Artificial Intelligence – Supporting Better Decisions
The Difference Between Profitable and Unprofitable Years A Simple Data on Sowing Time. To solve this problem, ICRISAT scientists used a measuring instrument to determine the planting date for maximum yield.
It also offers information on soil health and breeding recommendations, as well as a 7-day weather forecast. Crop yield volatility is a major concern for many farmers. Due to price instability, farmers can never plan production. This problem is often seen in crops that have a very short shelf life, such as tomatoes. Companies use satellite imagery and weather data to measure soil and monitor crop health in real time.
With the help of technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning, companies can detect pests and diseases, predict tomato production and yield, and estimated cost. It gives farmers and governments future price patterns, demand levels, crop yield for maximum profit, pesticide use, etc. can provide guidance on matters.
Innovative startups use expertise in agriculture. 3, a Berlin-based agrotechnology startup, has developed a multilingual plant disease app that uses multiple plant images to identify diseases; Diagnosis of specific diseases and use of crops using smart spray equipment. This way the app uses AI and ML to solve plant diseases.
More than 7 million farmers have downloaded the app, which helps detect more than 385 crop diseases in crops, fruits and vegetables.
As a result, AI often fills resource and workforce shortages and will be a powerful tool that can help organizations meet the growing challenges of today’s agriculture. Now is the time for big companies to invest in this field. Can
AI replace traditional farmers? For now the answer is probably no, but certainly in the future AI will complement and challenge decision making and improve agriculture.
This technology will lead to better agriculture, better profits and improve the quality of life of farmers.