Basic principles of New Education Policy
The new education policy talks about a good education system the aim of which is to make each and every student who has diverse skills and abilities to feel comfortable and motivated. The NEP focuses on creating a space for all different types of learners and also facilities them to explore and express themselves from all directions.
The NEP is based on certain principles which are as follows number one recognising identifying and developing the capabilities of each student. It is a known fact that every student is different from the other and their learning styles as well as their competencies are different.
It is important that the educators as well as the parents must be well aware about the unique capabilities of the students and they must acknowledge and be aware of the same. NEP focuses on these unique abilities and try to develop them for the student.
The principle of achieving foundation literacy and numeric proficiency focuses on making a child able to read and solve very basic maths problems so that the students have the necessary understanding of literature and numbers by the time they reach the third standard, this is one of the most important principles of NEP.
The students must not be water tight compartments where they are not able to become choose their specific area of interest and are confined to particular domains the any b focuses on the flexibility to choose the different fields as per the students liking.
Having a multi disciplinary and holistic education NEP says that the education should not be restricted to book or textbook knowledge but it must be the one which gives multi disciplinary approach to the students. A major portion of any focuses on extensive use of technology in teaching as well as it talks about increasing the creative and technical abilities of the students.